AER | Alberta Energy Regulator |
AIMM | approved instrument monitoring method |
AMEL | alternative means of emissions limitation |
AMOC | alternative method of compliance |
APCD | Air Pollution Control Division |
AQCC | Air Quality Control Commission |
ARB | Air Resources Board |
ARPA-E | Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy |
AVO | audio, visual, and olfactory |
AWP | alternative work plan |
AWP | area wide planning |
BBL | barrel |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BOE | barrel of oil equivalent |
BOEM | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Enforcement |
BP | best practices |
BMP | best management practice |
BSER | best system of emission reduction |
BT | baseline technology |
BTU | British thermal unit |
C | Carbon |
CAA | Clean Air Act |
CAPP | Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers |
CAMMS-ES | coded aperture miniature mass spectrometer environmental sensor |
CBM | coalbed methane |
C-H | carbon hydrogen bond |
CH4 | methane |
CI | chemical ionization |
CNG | compressed natural gas |
CNT | carbon nanotube |
CO | carbon monoxide |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
CRDS | cavity ring down spectroscopy |
CSG | coal seam gas |
DCS | dual frequency-comb spectroscopy |
DIAL | differential absorption light detection and ranging |
DEP | Department of Environmental Protection |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DOI | U.S. Department of the Interior |
DOT | U.S. Department of Transportation |
DPHE | Department of Public Health and Safety |
EI | electron impact |
EMD | Eagle II Methane Detector |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ESD | emergency shutdown events |
FEAST | Fugitive Emissions Abatement Simulation Toolkit |
FID | flame ionization detector |
FLIR | forward looking infrared camera |
FTIR | fourier transform infrared |
g/h | grams per hour |
GAO | general approval order |
GAO | U.S. Government Accountability Office |
GC | gas chromatography |
GC/MS | gas chromatography/mass spectrometer |
GFCR | gas-filter correlation radiometer |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
GHGI | Greenhouse Gas Inventory |
GHGRP | Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program |
GOADS | Gulfwide Offshore Activity Data System |
GRI | Gas Research Institute |
GWP | global warming potential |
H | hydrogen |
H2S | hydrogen sulfide |
HAP | hazardous air pollutant |
HNLF | highly nonlinear fiber |
HOH | hot oil heaters |
HRDL | High-Resolution Doppler Lidar |
HVS | high volume sampler |
Hz | hertz |
ICOS | integrated cavity output spectroscopy |
ICP-MS | inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry |
IM | integrity management |
InSb | indium antimonide |
IP | intellectual property |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IR | infrared |
IR OGI | infrared optical gas imaging |
JT | Joule-Thomson |
kg | kilogram |
kHz | kilohertz |
LAS | laser absorption spectroscopy |
LCA | lifecycle analysis |
LDAR | leak detection and repair |
LDC | local distribution company |
LDRL | leak detection with large-scale optical imaging technology |
LDRO | leak detection with optical imaging technology |
LDRS | leak detection with sampling |
LMA | large mode area |
LNG | liquified natural gas |
m | meter |
M&R | metering and regulations stations |
m/z | mass-to-charge ratio |
MACT | maximum achievable control technology |
MAL | minimal action leak |
Mcf | one thousand standard cubic feet of natural gas |
MDC | methane detectors challenge |
MDL | minimal detectable leak |
METEC | methane emissions technology evaluation center |
MMT | million metric tons |
MONITOR | Methane Observation Networks with Innovative Technology to Obtain Reductions program |
MOS | metal oxide semi-conductor |
M&R | metering and regulating |
MS | mass spectrometry |
MT | metric ton |
ug/m3 | microgram per cubic meter |
MW | molecular weight |
N/A | not applicable |
NAMA | Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions |
NESHAP | National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants |
NGL | natural gas liquids |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NSPS | New Source Performance Standards |
O&G | oil and gas |
OGI | optical gas imaging |
OMI | optical modulation index |
OP-FTIR | Open Path Fourier Transform Infrared |
OTM | other test method |
PEMEX | Petróleos Mexicanos |
PFP | programmable flask package |
PHMSA | Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration |
PIG | pipeline inspection gauge |
POC | point of contact |
ppbv | parts per billion by volume |
ppm | parts per million |
ppm-m | part per million per meter |
ppmv | parts per million by volume |
PUC | public utility commission |
QOGI | quantitative optical gas imaging |
R&D | research and development |
RMLD | remote methane leak detector |
SCFH | standard cubic feet per hour |
SCFM | standard cubic feet per minute |
SLPM | standard liters per minute |
SIP | State Implementation Plan |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio |
Solar FTIR | Solar Occultation Flux |
STEM | storage tank emission management |
TC | thermal conductivity |
TDL | tunable diode laser |
TDLAS | tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy |
TDS | total dissolved solids |
TDTS | transmission-distribution transfer stations |
TILDAS | tunable infrared laser direct absorption spectroscopy |
TOC | total organic compound |
TRL | technology readiness level |
TUT | technology under test |
TVA | toxic vapor analyzer |
TVOC | total volatile organic compounds |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
V/V | volume to volume |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
VRU | vapor recovery unit |
WY DEQ | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality |
Publication Date: September 28, 2018